Irwin, A., Silver-MacMahon, H., Santos, L., Mossop, L., & Macconnell, K. (2024). Not all uncivil behaviours are equal: exploring responses to incivility in veterinary practice using vignettes. Ergonomics. LINK
Irwin, A., Thacker, J., Brame, G., & Hamlet, O. E. D. (2023). ‘Having a grand view of what the day entails’: A qualitative investigation of the non-technical skills utilised by Mountain Guides. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism. LINK
Hamlet, O.E.D., Irwin, A., Flin, R. & Sedlar, N. (2023). The development of the helicopter non-technical skills (HeliNOTS) behavioural marker systems. Ergonomics. LINK.
Irwin, A., Tone, I., Sobocinska, P., Liggins, J., & Johansson, S. (2023). Thinking five or six actions ahead: investigating the non-technical skills used with UK forestry chainsaw operations. Safety Science. LINK.
Sedlar, N., Irwin, A., Martin, D. & Roberts, R. (2023). A qualitative systematic review on the application of the normalisation of deviance phenomenon within high-risk industries. Journal of Safety Research. LINK.
Irwin, A., Sedlar, N. & Tone, I. (2023). Developing a prototype behavioural marker system for farmer non-technical skills (FLINTS). Journal of Agromedicine. LINK.
Irwin, A., Silver-MacMahon, H. & Wilcke, S. (2022). Consequences and coping: Investigating client, co-worker and senior colleague incivility within veterinary practice. Veterinary Record. LINK.
Irwin, A., Hall, D. & Ellis, H. (2022). Ruminating on rudeness: Exploring veterinarians experiences of client incivility. Veterinary Record. LINK
Irwin, A., Mihulkova, J., Berkeley, S. & Tone, I-R. (2022). No-one else wears one: Exploring farmer attitudes towards All-Terrain Vehicle helmets using the COM-B model. LINK
Tone, I-R. & Irwin, A. (2021). Safety in the field: Assessing the impact of stress and fatigue on situation awareness in British and Irish farmers. Proceedings of the 21st congress of the International Ergonomics Association. LINK
Tone, I-R. & Irwin, A. (2021). Watch out for the bull! Farmer risk perception and decision-making in livestock handling scenarios. Journal of Agromedicine. LINK
Hamlet, O., Irwin, A. & McGregor, M. (2020). Is it all about the mission? An exploratory interview study to compare non-technical skills across offshore transport and search and rescue pilots. International Journal of Aerospace Psychology. LINK
Irwin, A., Sedlar, N. & Hamlet, O. (2020), ‘Flying solo: A vignette based examination of general aviation pilot risk perception and decision-making‘, Aviation Psychology and Human Factors. LINK
Irwin, A., Irvine, C., Bekes, B. & Nordmann, E. (2020). Location! Location. Location? Investigating the impact of status and context on incivility in academia. Further and Higher Education. LINK.
Irwin, A., Caruso, L. & Tone, I-R. (2019). ‘Thinking Ahead of the Tractor: Driver Safety and Situation Awareness‘, Journal of Agromedicine, 24, 3, 288-297. LINK
Harrison, I., Trevethan, C., Pasiack, F. & Irwin, A. (2019), Part and parcel: Client rudeness experienced by mental health workers, Issues in Mental Health Nursing. LINK.
Flin, R, Irwin, AL & Hamlet, O. (2019). Crew Resource Management and Non-Technical Skills. in Increasing Occupational Health and Safety in Workplaces: Research and Practice.
Irwin, A., Vikman, J. & Ellis, H. (2019). ‘No-one knows where you are’: Veterinary perceptions regarding safety and risk when alone and on-call, Veterinary Record, 185, 23, 728. LINK
Irwin, A. & Poots, J. (2018). ‘Predictors of Attitudes Toward Non-Technical Skills in Farming’. Journal Agromedicine, 23, 60-69. LINK
Irwin, A. & Poots, J. (2018). ‘Investigation of UK Farmer Go/No-Go Decisions in Response to Tractor-Based Risk Scenarios’. Journal of Agromedicine, 23, 154-165. LINK
Irwin, A. & Cederblad, AMH. (online, 2018) ‘Faculty experience of rudeness in Scottish higher education: dealing with rudeness from students and colleagues’. Journal of Further and Higher Education. LINK