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S.O.A.P.: Making Clean Our Compositional Practice
List of Portfolio Compositions
1. Introduction
2. S.O.A.P.
2.1. Objects
2.2. Agency
2.3. Place and Space
2.4. Digital and Performance Environments
2.5. Why S.O.A.P.?
2.6. The Implied Listener
2.7. Linearity in S.O.A.P.
2.8. Simplicity is Key
2.9. The Purpose of S.O.A.P.
3. S.O.A.P. in Practice
3.1. Lines (2017-18)
3.2. Sounds of the Silent City (2017)
3.3. Bearing Zero (2018)
3.4. 57N (2018)
3.5. In(Habit) Space (2019)
3.6. Abstractions (2019)
3.7. YinYang (2019-20)
4. End Matter
BEARING ZERO score image_Page_2
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